On the first deck, video or mechanical slot machines, in denominations as low as two cents per play line, let seafarers try their luck with a card preloaded with $40 of credits.
The approximately six-hour journey sets out into the Atlantic's international waters, allowing for occasional glimpses of multilingual mermaids. After boarding at Freeport, voyagers can head up to the third deck to grab an indoor or outdoor seat for a gut-stuffing buffet meal. Long Island’s only full-service casino, Opus Casino Cruise Lines launches twice-daily cruises full of entertainment and fine food. Enjoy tamer excursions with today's Groupon: for $17, you get a casino-cruise admission, buffet-style dinner, parking, and $40 slot-play card (up to a $75 value) from Opus Casino Cruise Lines, departing from Freeport.
Lewis and Clark were both hobbled during their great expedition-Clark, from resentment at his second billing, and Lewis, from a Lego slipped into his hiking boot by Clark.